
Delivery of health services, public information, disease prevention, and providing public awareness on hygiene practices and sanitation cover TSDO’s basic interventions in the Basic Health Program. The TSDO health team has contributed to finding 900 TB-infected persons and introducing them to the local health clinic. TSDO, through Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM), has identified and introduced 250 affected persons to receive food packages.


Provincial Department of Public Health (SPAD)

Livestock & Women's Empowerment (Supporting Widows)

Livestock & Women's Empowerment (Supporting Widows)

The project aimed to provide comprehensive assistance to widowed women in 2014 in the Marjah, Lashkar Gah, and Nad Ali districts of Helmand Province. It targeted 600 widows as primary beneficiaries, offering them training and tools to support their families. The goal was to help them achieve financial independence by supplying goats and necessary equipment through a collaboration with a local NGO. Funding was provided by the Provincial Department of Agriculture (SPAD) in the amount of 33,884 USD, and the project spanned a duration of 4 months.


Provincial Department of Public Health (SPAD)
